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Metal Roofers of Gainesville
Sometimes, people don’t understand the magnitude of a decision until they start enjoying the benefits of it or the opposite, suffering the consequences. And this applies to every aspect of your life, which is why you should consider taking it as advice from now on. But why are we telling you this? After all, there must be a specific reason behind it in this case.
Believe it or not, it has a lot to do with property projects and problems you might have now and in the future. Dealing with the design or just a property itself in any possible way takes a lot of work mainly because of the decisions you have to make. Let’s take an example and say you are trying to remodel your floors and roof. What is the first thing you think you have to do? Make decisions.
You have to come up with the ideas you have for your roof and floors, make sure you choose the right designs according to your preferences and also needs. And guarantee that everything is just as you want it. This will be hard by just keeping in mind two things: the large variety of options in the market for any part of your property and your budget when considering what you want vs what you can afford.
We know you will have a hard time trying to come up with decisions and guarantee that you are going for the right one in the end. After all, no one wants to go through it twice, especially if it means just falling in the same hole and putting yourself in the same situation again. So, with this situation as an example, what do you think is the best thing you can do to ensure you are going for the right options and, overall, dealing with your property correctly?
At Florida Metal Roofers of Gainesville, we suggest you take your time and look over all the ideas and options you have to finally be able to make your decision. But what role do we play in all this? If you are here in the first place, that means you indeed have a project in mind for your property or maybe a problem to be solved, and it has to do with your roofing system.
Roofing is tricky no matter the problem or project you have in your hands. And depending on the type of roof you have installed, you might have less or more hardships whenever you decide to do something about it. In our case, we can help you and assist you with metal roofs and this includes the most common and the weirdest ones in the market that property owners decide to have.
The reason why we were discussing decisions previously is that when it comes to metal roofs, in particular, we are certain that you will find yourself in a tough decision. There is a wide variety of designs and profiles when it comes to metal roofs. And the one you choose will not only depend on your preferences and the design you want to obtain but also on certain aspects like the climate of the city or place where your property is located, the distribution of the structure, and more.
You need to keep in mind that it is not only about getting the design you want and be comfortable with it. You must think about the future and everything that your roof will entail for you, including several expenses. Some roofing systems in the market are not only expensive when you buy and install them but also later on.
While others might be cheap or affordable, but they are not the best when it comes to saving money or ROI. So, what is the right way to choose the metal roof you want but also need? Be well-informed before doing so. Researching is something not many property owners think about since they are fine by just looking at some pictures and examples to get the idea for their roofs.
But they do not consider the facts that:
- Several roofing systems can look the same but are made of different materials.
- It is important to consider the durability and longevity of the roof.

When it comes to metal roofs, you will have something that is going to take some weight from your shoulders: you don’t need to worry about quality and performance. Every metal roof in the market is incredibly durable and long-lasting, which means you can expect it to last for at least 4 decades which is two times more than other roofing systems. When we mention ‘metal roofs’, keep in mind there are 4 materials you can use for them: aluminum, zinc, copper, and steel.
This is important to always remember since based on this information you can choose the best roofing for your property as well. All of them offer the same durability and longevity but one exceeds a bit more the other. Copper and zinc are the premium options in the market, and you can expect them to last and resist a bit more than steel or aluminum.
But this does not mean you should underestimate or forget about the last two. Aluminum and steel are not only affordable and even cheap but also offer a wide variety of colors and designs. You can get any design with them for half the price of copper, zinc, or other materials like slate and clay. Now that you have gotten this information, what is next? You need to learn about most of the options available.

Metal roofing systems for your commercial and residential property
Here is the thing. We can spend a whole day talking about metal roofs and we believe we’re going to be a bit sure to finish everything we have to say and you need to know. But since you are probably getting started or just need some information about some systems specific, we will keep it simple but essential. So, where are we going to start? by telling you how you can choose your roofing system depending on the property and design you want.
Let’s start with commercial buildings. Among business owners, metal roofs are already popular are they always decide to install them in both buildings that are not open for the public and those that are there to offer attention and receive clients. The reason behind this is because commercial owners always spent time and effort looking for the best options in terms of quality, performance, cost, and design. And when you look at a combination of all those elements, it is only natural to come across metal roofs.
But is it actually a good idea? For both residential and commercial owners, metal roofs do not sound like the best idea in the world. Some have a bad concept about them due to the ones they can see installed in industrial areas and notice they are all rusty and the corrosion is everywhere. But you must know that just like any other roof, metal ones require maintenance and repairs.
Those roofs you have seen installed have certain aspects you need to consider:
- We are sure that the property owner did not take the time to choose a good design.
- The roofing system hasn’t been taken care of properly and we can tell by the rust and corrosion precisely since both can be prevented or avoided.
- There is a wide variety of designs and styles, so don’t think the ones you see are the only ones available.
Metal roofs are amazing to mimic other roofing systems, so following the last aspect you need to know that many roofs you have seen are probably metal, you just didn’t know. Now, going back to the commercial focus, metal ones are the best investment for business owners that not only want something durable and good-looking but also get the investment back.
You can choose from several options and focus on the additional elements like paint, texture, coating, and some features that can be added depending on the system. You will not regret your decision whatever you decide to go for. Even if you install corrugated metal panels, which are the ones you have seen deteriorated in some properties, you can still get a good design and result.
Corrugated panels are amazing when you take the time to choose the right material according to the climate and structure, and apply the right coating layer and paint to boost its durability and longevity. For other options, you also have standing seam metal roofs, metal shingles, and tapered panels in case you need several ones for your special and unique roof. We are sure you will find what you want and need with just some time to look at the options available.
So, if there is a recommendation we can give you to get started is to take it easy and do not rush the decision based on some aspects like the design or look of the roof only. Now, what about your residential roofs? Those are usually a bit harder to find mostly because we all have an idea of what we want.
As a result, it is hard to open to other options and alternatives even when we know there are way too many out there. For example, homeowners in Florida LOVE tile roofs, and they are always focused on finding one that is similar to their neighbors’ roof or to one they saw on the internet. The problem is that when this happens, it is good to have an idea of what you want but also, you need to consider all the variations to that tile roof you want.

You might be able to obtain something better or just the same for less money and time invested. We are telling you not as a company but also as homeowners ourselves and as someone who spent a lot of time the first time, I can tell you this is not going to be easy. However, here is something you can do. If you have a design or idea in mind, just try to project that with a metal roof. Most metal roofing systems are incredible to mimic other roofs—as mentioned a few minutes ago—and thanks to this, you can obtain several results you might not expect with a metal roof. Like clay tile roofs, slate tiles, cedar shakes, and more.
Many of the designs most people think about are premium options in the market that not everyone can afford. Therefore, we are sure you will love the idea of being able to obtain the roof you want for less if you only take the time to choose wisely the options in the metal roofing market. Based on this, what do you have in mind?
If you definitely want tiles, consider the steel ones that will look stunning thanks to the colors and profiles you can get. Or if you are going for shingles, keep in mind metal shingle roofs can look exactly as the other roofing systems mentioned before and still surprise you with the results. Now, if you are looking for something more specific like a traditional or modern design for your roof and the entire property, try out a standing seam roof or a stone-coated steel one.
A standing seam metal roof is perfect for modern designs that you want to obtain without getting too much into your property. We all know modern today is more like a minimalist design, and people are loving it—we included. As for the traditional one, you can get something clean and neat without spending all that money on slate or other options by using stone-coated steel. This roofing system in particular is amazing for properties that have a roof to show off.
After all, the design of the panels catches everyone’s attention and you will love the final result without a doubt. There are other options like corrugated roof as well—which we mentioned before—that can offer you amazing results by using the right paint, coating, and final design for the panels.
Get everything done with us
Now that you have a clear idea of what you want, at least when it comes to the specific roofing system, you can start thinking about how you are going to obtain it. Whenever you have a roofing project, even when it does not involve metal roofs, make sure you are getting the assistance and help of experts and contractors.
We don’t have to remind you that roofing is dangerous without—and even with—the right equipment and safety measures. But some property owners seem to forget this when they think about ‘saving’ money on professionals. Well, it will turn out to be more expensive and you will end up having to hire a few ones anyway. We are not going to tell you that 100% of the people that decide to do an installation, repair, or anything related to metal roofing end up in a bad spot because that would be a lie.
But out of that 100%, over 70% are bad results. You shouldn’t take the chance when you know it is not only about money but also about your safety and the result of your property. Therefore, if you are planning to install a metal roof and need the right hands for it, you are free to contact us anytime.
Our company Florida Metal Roofers of Gainesville will take care of everything and make sure you are happy with the roofing system installed. Now, installations are the most requested service in the company and we cannot deny that many property owners are getting interested in metal roofs. Thus, why so many people are contacting us for them.
But keep in mind that our services go further and do not include installations only. You can also count on us if you are trying to obtain assistance for repairs, maintenances, re-roofing, and a wide variety of services focused on metal roofs. We know you are probably focused on getting the roof first if you are with a new constriction or just trying to get a new design and system for your property.
But if you already own one, we are sure you will need some help sooner than later. The good part about metal ones is that you don’t have to worry about any repairs or maintenances. Some systems are left alone and without maintenance for a decade, and it is not because of irresponsibility but rather because they didn’t need it. Metal roofs are seriously another story when it comes to how long they can look stunning despite the damage and weather conditions.
And you will love them right after noticing this as well. But everything gets way too damaged at some point or just need a hand to continue performing properly. Therefore, do not forget it is necessary to perform it once in a while and after you know your roof has been installed for a while.
Now, focusing on the installation for a bit, our company knows there are dozens of systems available. We can work with standing seam, stone-coated steel, and many others available in the market. And we are always including new ones depending on the trends and the new options available as well. Our contractors and roofers go through training and capacitation all the time, so you should always expect the best result from them thanks to this.
Installing a metal roof is easy since it is lightweight, but it is not simple for people who don’t have the equipment nor have dealt with it before. We don’t want you to go through the process alone, especially because the first time installation is everything for a metal roof and its future. You can prevent or avoid repairs, a lot of problems and issues thanks to the proper installation. As for the rest of our services and how you can get things done with us, we are basically focused on every metal roofing service.
You can find all the previous ones mentioned and let us know if you have any projects or ideas in mind. We can work with what you want and need as long as it is viable. Therefore, don’t feel pressured to choose a specific service to contact us or rely on our team when you can easily reach out to us and ask for the contractors and roofers directly. Let them know what you are trying to obtain and you should not have problems getting the results you expect and want.
Just keep in mind that the sooner you contact us, the faster you will have your results. Working with roofs will take time and some preparations. So, don’t expect us to rush the project we are helping you with but don’t expect us to spend an eternity getting it done. We will take the right measures, focus on what is necessary, and help you with every step.
And literally, every step means decision-making and the process of getting the panels, shingles, or tiles done. Now, regarding the rest of our services and what you can get done with us, you can have a look at all the services available on our website. We have made sure to provide the information about every service and allow you to have an idea of each one.
Some services will not sound familiar or obvious for you since we have included several ones that are not too common. Such as re-roofing, retrofitting, and even metal roof replacement. But we wanted to cover as much as possible and the fact that not many people request or need them does not mean they are not necessary at some point. Therefore, you can literally count on us for anything you have in your hands and we will guarantee the best results, attention, and service no matter what as long as you take the step of contacting us first.
Time to Replace Your Roof? We Can Help
Considering roofing replacement? When it comes to roofing projects, many homeowners rely on professionals to get the job done. At Florida Metal Roofers of Gainesville, our specialists stick to all the industry standards when installing metal roofing on both residential and commercial properties. Therefore, you can be sure of getting a sturdy roof on top of your house. As a result, you can get the best services from our company in the following fields;
What Locations do we Serve?
Florida Metal Roofers of Gainesville is a name you can trust and rely on. Our metal roofing services were limited in Gainesville, FL when we started. But with time our company has expanded and is now serving over ten locations within Florida.
It shows how reliable we are. Here are some places within Florida, where you can access our world-class metal roofing services: –